Thursday 24 September 2015

Not All Dental Porcelains are Created Equal

The types of porcelain that dentists use for veneers and crowns are not all the same. In fact, there are a number of available types on the market, each with distinct differences in terms of strength and aesthetics. At Love Family Dentistry, we prefer to use E-Max porcelain for a variety of reasons.

In recent years, E-Max crowns have become incredibly popular because they combine a high level of durability with an impressive visual quality. The porcelain used in E-Max crowns has a natural look that blends well with other surrounding teeth to create an attractive smile.

The reason why E-Max crowns look so good is due in part to the subtle translucence of the porcelain which mimics the appearance of natural tooth material. The color can be adjusted match perfectly with the surrounding teeth in an individual patient’s mouth.

Why we choose E-max for our patients

Our Astoria practice is dedicated to providing lasting solutions that improve both the function and aesthetic appeal of our patients’ smiles. E-Max restorations look great, are long lasting, and the procedure is easy on our patients.

Since E-Max is less prone to chipping when compared to other types of porcelain, fewer patients visit our Astoria dental team for E-Max crown repairs than with alternative materials. In addition to its strength, we believe the ceramic is truly lifelike in appearance.

E-Max is made of high quality lithium desilicated glass ceramic, which is a revolutionary material that provides greater strength than other types of dental porcelain. The crown is crafted out of a single piece of material, and though it is incredibly tough, the end result looks surprisingly delicate. As no metal alloy base is required for an E-Max crown, patients do not have any gray around the gums, thereby creating a natural looking restoration.

E-Max crowns often require very little preparation to the natural tooth that is being crowned. This means very little drilling must be done to reshape the tooth so the E-Max crown can fit around it. We find patients appreciate the minimal invasiveness of the E-Max crown procedure.

Looking for a quality restoration? Choose E-Max

There are many different types of porcelains that are used to create dental restorations. As a patient, you are entitled to know what type your dentist plans on using to complete your smile. Finding a dental practice that uses quality materials often benefits patients in the long run. When considering the daily functions of your crown, skimping out on the best materials can mean additional replacement restorations down the road. When considering all aspects of your future crown, from durability and appearance to ease of use, E-Max porcelain crowns are a smart choice and our Astoria dental team is proud to offer them.

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