Tuesday 10 November 2015

Comparing Invisalign and Traditional Braces: The Pros and Cons

Metal braces were once the only option for correcting tooth alignment problems, but these days there are several alternatives that may be more convenient and less obtrusive. Some of these modern takes on orthodontics include clear braces, and the Invisalign system. At Love Family Dental, we offer Invisalign. If you're trying to choose between Invisalign and traditional braces, it's helpful to look at the advantages and disadvantages of each solution to decide which might be right for you.
Invisalign Pros and Cons

For a number of reasons, many people prefer Invisalign over traditional braces simply because Invisalign aligner trays are almost undetectable. Another big advantage is that aligner trays are removable and can be removed for eating. That means there's no problems with food getting caught in the trays, and no dietary restrictions to contend with.

However, those removable trays can actually be a disadvantage too. Because the trays can be removed at will, it's sometimes difficult to avoid the temptation to stop wearing them for brief periods, especially during the first few weeks of treatment. They do take some getting used to, and sometimes tooth movement can cause discomfort—so many patients are tempted to take them off to take a break. For optimal results, Invisalign aligners should be worn for 23 hours a day.
Traditional Braces Pros and Cons

Wearing metal braces means that some foods are off-limits; in particular, foods that are particularly sticky or hard. Additionally, some patients find that braces leave teeth stained and the wires and brackets can sometimes cause pain or mouth sores, which can be uncomfortable.

On the other hand, braces are definitely a more effective method of treatment for complicated orthodontic problems, and in some cases—particularly when back teeth need correcting—they're the only solution. Since braces can only be removed by your dentist, there's no problem with the temptation to take them off. And that also means there are no extra steps required for keeping them clean—regular brushing and flossing is all that's required.
Which is Right for You?

In a straight comparison between the two methods it's hard to pick a clear winner. Invisalign can be a more expensive option, but the treatment time is typically six to twelve months shorter than that of traditional braces. And while the Invisalign system is easier to wear, it's not a method that works for all kinds of tooth alignment problems.

For many people, it comes down to a question of the best option for their specific alignment issues, and what they want the procedure to achieve. Call Drs. Howard and Michael Love at Love Family Dental to schedule an Invisalign consultation.

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